
Sunday 27 April 2014

Flies for all sorts

 I thought id share some pictures of some successfull flies i use for fishing here in switzerland. I dont really fly fish often here anymore as there is not so many nice trout about and when i do go for them i use lures because you dont need much space for casting and much quicker to use. The time i really like fly fishing here is around end of october through november for grayling. I think its the only way to catch them, on a float just doesnt do it for me.

 The first four pictures are pike flies not too big but too big for trout and perch
easy ties and look good in the water and catch fish.

 The next 6 pics are good catchers for perch and trout

The next 2 are my version of a easy bullhead/sculpin pattern easy to tie and catches fish.

The next 4 have been a very good dry fly for grayling,chub,trout and roach a fairly easy tie and very bouyant. The deer hair and cdc keeps it floating well and no need for floatant.

 Now for some wet flies/nymphs. Not much to say about them apart from they have all worked for perch,chub,grayling,roach and trout.

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