
Sunday 9 November 2014

Autumn builds (part 1)

Well this last week i have made a few bits and pieces, Nothing really new but im leaving new stuff for winter when there is no point fishing alot. At the moment im enjoying ultra light fishing for chub, There are so many nice sized ones about at the moment and they are hungry so its quite fun. Anyway first of all are a couple of pike flies. They are a bit smaller than the last ones i made but i quite like the look of them and am sure a pike would take them. Here they are..

 I have also been making some more finnish style trolling lures, They work so well and i had so many fish on them i thought id stock up on them. I got a bit camera happy..

I have other stuff finishing in the next day or days so ill have another post fairly soon. Untill then tight lines and enjoy the autumn fishing, its the best.

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